See how Mzansi is in love with pictures of Sfiso Ncwane’s wife

Ayanda Ncwane is a South African actress, model, businesswoman, philanthropist and a singer. Ayanda uses her late husband’s surname Ncwane. Her gospel award-winning late husband Sfiso Ncwane died in 2016.

Ayanda Ncwane has been pushing the businesses her late husband left, the legacy for his two boys. Ayanda Ncwane is a mother of two beautiful grown baby boys. The other has reached adolescent stage, the other is 16 years old.







Ayanda posts and create content on her instagram page as a model. She has grown beautifully with time. There’s no day mzansi doesn’t praise her for her beauty.

On her husband’s birthday, Ayanda wrote a message to him on her instagram. She mentioned how she has grown beautifully, that Sfiso would love her very much for it since he loved talking and praising his wife’s beauty publicly.







“Dear Bab’Ncwane, Its been 5 years since you left us on this very day. I asked God to give me 5 years to get used living without you Gwamanda, and He has. Today I don’t grieve for you I celebrate you, your powerful legacy, our friendship, our unforgettable love and marriages, you left a bar so high that I’ve taken my time to remarry because I know what a GREAT & enjoyable marriage full of love is supposed to be. You’ll be so proud of how i raised your beautiful boys because I know how much you loved the boys. I carry you in my heart and spirit for the beautiful memories. I know if it was me who passed on by now you’d probably be in your 2nd wife trying to get an amazing wife, best friend & business partner who can at least come close to what I am I. Well the Lord has a great promise for me as per Jeremiah 29:11 also ungangibona sengimuhle kanjani ngabe usuchoma kakhulu manje! Also usa trenda now & again on Twitter, you really lived a purposeful life Gwamanda, you had a massive life that was compressed to just 37 years. I love and miss you my darling. Continue to rest in perfect peace.” Ayanda wrote on her husband’s birthday.

Ayanda has lived a beautiful meaningful life even after her husband’s death. She continues to emerge and protect his legacy beautifully and publicly. She’s a very gorgeous woman inside out.