See: Hard working lady given a brand new Lexus car by her boss as a Thank You

Forget about your boss who gives you aeal voucher after a job well done.

A boss has broken the internet after she rewarded an employee with a brand new Lexus as a thank you gesture.

The female boss could not think of anything bigger to gift her hard working employee with and so she chose to give her a brand new car.




The moment the employee was surprised with the gift has since gone viral on social media.

In the emotional video, the lady burst into loud screams and sobbed softly as she received her new Lexus ride.

The boss said she had decided to reward the employee because she was elated working, reliable and always arrived at work on time.

Perhaps this will inspire other bosses to gift their employees with big gifts. After all, it’s the thought that counts.

There is no one as productive as a happy employee.