Actress Cindy Mahlangu‘s role on The Queen as Siyanda came to an end on Friday evening with her tragic death at the hands of her rival Goodness.Before Siyanda died viewers got to witness her try everything she could to get Kagiso back and she used every trick in the book to position herself as Kagiso’s main girl after he had fallen back in love with his ex Goodness.
Siyanda’s relationship with Kagiso was saved by her falling pregnant with the Khoza heir, unfortunately, she lost the baby, but didn’t let her baby daddy know and instead, a hatched a plan to keep her fiancee. Throughout her whole love life drama, her friend Schumacher stuck by her side throughout her highs and lows and helping her with her plans to get her man and fall pregnant again.To make sure his friend got the happy ending sho he envisioned he even got her a little potion to help her get the action going in the bedroom again and on the day of the wedding when everything was falling apart Schumacher was right by Siyanda’s side trying to cheer her up and get the wedding back on track.
It’s just a shame that Schumacher left the room and couldn’t protect her from Goodness’s anger.