Scandal: Xolile writes an emotional farewell message to Boniswa on social media, See here

South African actress Sivenathi Mabuya who plays the character of Xolile Langa on Scandal wrote a very emotional farewell message to Lusanda Mbane. They have been acting together for e past five years and they developed a strong relationship for the all these years, Lusanda played the character of Boniswa Langa a mother to Xolile Langa and this onscreen bond grew to be a longtime friendship. It really sad that she has left the show even though she played one of the most irritating character, viewers were used to seeing her planing her evil moves and the fact that we will no longer get to see her it’s really heartbreaking.





Asive took it to her Instagram account and wrote a touching farewell to Lusanda and wished her well “Take a bow ma’am! To have taken the responsibility of teaching us to love, hate, respect, vouch and even root for Boniswa must’ve been extremely challenging, yet you did it flawlessly. How you go so hard in everything you do is beyond admirable. You’re so dedicated and focused! I learned so much from you. Thank you for being my all on and off set, I’m so glad you were honored by the very same people you did it all for. You deserve the love and appreciation, Good luck. I love you deep, always,” wrote.

The exit of Boniswa on the show made us realise his a lot of people actually loved him, many viewers always talked about his annoying she is and his she always gets away with all her crimes. But now that she is caught and killed Scandal will never be the same again, after all sjs was the only villain left on the show and fans are now questioning who will be the new villain ifvtge show. Above anything Lusanda Mbane is really talented we used to watch her on Abomzala playing the character of a comedian, to Scandal where she changed from being a loving mother to a villain. It seems she can master any character she is given acting is realkt what she does best.