Scandal – Pay day drama for broke Nhlamulo and Lindiwe

Getting a job when you’ve got gaps on your CV is hard enough. Spare a thought for Nhlamulo (Matthews Rantsoma) who has gaps he doesn’t want to explain.

“It’s impossible to hide gaps but he hopes prospective employers don’t ask. If they do ask, he will explain (that he was a criminal in his previous life),” says the actor, whose character has promised his new wife Lindiwe (Nomvelo Makhanya) that he has changed.



“It’s important because they have been through a lot of ups and downs, especially with Nhlamulo’s ‘career choice’, his past actions and where it all led. Them living a normal life is ultimately the biggest reason for the straight and narrow.” But Nhlamulo’s past isn’t ready to let go just yet.

The couple recently returned from their beach getaway honeymoon.

“It was a beautiful time and now they’re ready to start their lives together,” explains Matthews. But his character is unemployed at the moment and that adds some pressure.

“He is looking for jobs. He’ll take anything I suppose, but he has experience in IT and tech. He can walk the walk and talk the talk, he just needs a chance,” says the actor. Secretly though, Nhlamulo isn’t quite ready for the desk-bound 9-to-5 grind just yet, says Matthews. “Truly? He isn’t ready.

Source: TVSA