Sangoma angers family of late Eyadini owner!

The family of the late Jabulani “Mjay” Zama, Owner of the Eyadini Lounge, is upset as a result of the controversial inyanga Zamokwakhe “King Bhaka” Nzama.

Mjay passed away on Saturday, August 12th, shortly before Bhaka’s astounding statements on his muthi power.


On Wednesday, August 16, Bhaka, a man who has the same surname as the Zama family but whose surname was previously Nzama, stunned a great number of people when he posted some surprising accusations on Facebook.

Bhaka claims that Mjay employed an Isigubhu, which is a miniature Muthi container for powers, to make his business more profitable. However, Isigubhu ultimately turned against him and destroyed him.

“The situation involving Mjay is delicate, but I shall discuss it anyhow. Those who dare to compete with me will come up short. To begin, Mjay is not making use of those Muthi powers, which are collectively referred to as Ukuthwala.

“Mjay was channeling the abilities of his departed father. He would regularly visit his grave and see to its upkeep there. He added that Mjay’s father was a powerful figure.

In addition, Bhaka asserted that when Mjay’s company was experiencing difficulties, he consulted a sangoma in Inanda who provided him with the incorrect Isigubhu to help him keep his company afloat.

“The problem started when the inyanga granted Mjay Isigubhu despite the fact that he was the unsuitable person to have Isigubhu due to the fact that his ancestor possesses the powers that are associated with it. “Isigubhu was not going to assist him in any way; rather, it was going to interrupt him. Despite the fact that Mjay’s wife disapproved of it, he continued to use it. Because inyanga is what makes an Isigubhu, this monster got into a conflict with his forefathers. He said, “The Sangoma put evil spirits, grave soils, and the spirits of deceased people in the Isghubu.”

Bhaka stated that Mjay has a strong connection to his forefathers.

“He was going to take his business too far, but this evil spirit of Isigubhu was fighting against his success.”

According to Mbali Zama-Madikana, sister of Mjay, the family is upset with what Bhaka did. She made this statement to Daily Sun.

She stated that they will take legal action against him after the burial was over.

“We have been following his assertions on Facebook. We are taken aback by the fact that our brother has not even been laid to rest, and yet this individual is babbling rubbish in an effort to boost the number of followers he has on Facebook.

“What took us by surprise was the fact that he has the same last name as us. He is also a traditional healer who is meant to be aware of the proper protocol for showing respect to the departed. She remarked, “We don’t know him, but what he did angered and disrespected us. We feel disrespected.”