Following the horrible incident that took the lives of 22 celebrating students at Enyobeni Tavern, Eastern Cape. Many rumours have been flying on the air on what might be the actual cause of the massive death in one night.
It happens that most of the deceased students were under aged which amount to more blames towards the parents of the children and the bar owner. However, some peple believed that they might have suffocated due to overcrowd, while others believe that there might be more behind the tragedy that is yet to uncover.
Moreover, the children were ignorant enough to have jam-packed themselves in the pub. From the video trending online, there are upto thousand children celebrating in the pub. However, some forensic investigations have showed that there was no or little brutal bruises on their body.
According to sources, these are pictures from Enyobeni Pub social media page showing the event before 22 kids lost their lives. The place was like an immoral arena for kids to learn how to drink, smoke and fornicate.
Meanwhile, the Eastern Cape Province Liquor Board has revoked a tavern owner’s liquor license and has vowed to open a criminal case after at least 21 young people were found dead on Sunday morning.
What do you think might be the cause of deaths? Do you think they might be poisoned or stampede erupted in the pub? Kindly say your thoughts in the comment section and don’t forget to follow me for more interesting updates.