SAD NEWS: South African student dies because mother couldn’t afford ransom fee

H him because his mother was unable to provide the ransom that they required. The loss of her son, a young boy, who was discovered dead in the bushes has left the boy’s mother inconsolable.

His captors ended up killing him because his mother was unable to provide the ransom money that they required. It was only 100 Rands.


SAD NEWS: South African student dies because mother couldn’t afford ransom fee
After the son had been reported missing, this transpired. He was taken hostage, and his captors made a demand over the phone for a certain sum of money. Will there ever be a time when one does not hear about a person who has gone missing or been killed in South Africa? Will there ever be a day when such news does not make the news? It would appear that the rate of crime is getting worse with each passing day.

Children are kidnapped on a daily basis, and if there is one thing that is certain, it is that they are not merely being kidnapped; rather, it is all about some of the children. Some people who kidnap do so with the intention of blackmailing the victim’s family and demanding ransoms in exchange for the victim’s safe return.

It is said that the person who kidnapped the Moti brothers made off with millions of dollars in ransom money, just like what happened in that other case. This is one of the reasons why there are so many cases of kidnapping in today’s world.

After that, there is a very heartbreaking account of a young boy who was murdered because his mother lacked the financial means to pay a ransom for him. Lukhololwam Mkontwana, an eight-year-old boy from Nyanga in Cape Town, was discovered dead on September 27th, the day his body was discovered. Since the 23rd of September, he had not been seen.