Sad news for Shepherd Bushiri and his South African followers

Shepherd Bushiri was suppose to have one of his biggest crossover service in Malawi on the 31st of December but unfortunately things are not going to work out according to the way he wants to,the Bingo stadium in Malawi has denied shepherd Bushiri’s request to use the venue for the crossover on the 31st of December 2020. The service is usually held at fnb Stadium but this year will not held in south Africa since shepherd Bushiri has left the country to his home country. The stadium says the even likely to attract people beyond its normal capacity this will contradict covid19 rules and regulations. It also says it will be doing maintenance ahead of caf inspection in January 2021. The letter return to ECG sad news for Shepherd Bushiri and his followers many of his followers were expecting to fly to Malawi for the crossover on the 31st of December. The letter is read as follow the stadium management allowed you to hold a crossover night service at bingo stadium after further consultation will all stakeholders, it has been observed that the stadium many not be able to host your event for the following reason.
