RythmCity : Suffocate hits Khulekani where it hurts the most

Suffocate is now in the mission to get the 2 million that they want at the police station in order to seal the deal with the police and for him not to go to jail anymore ,once he present that money, all the charges against him. Will be dropped and he will be a free man .

While he was trying to set the motion into action ,unfortunately Khulekani got hold of Mzi’s boss to tell him what he should and not do ,they relased that Mzi was helping his father and in order for Suffocate not to succeed in anything ,they had to make sure that they remove Mzi out of the picture, they made sure for him to distance himself against his father .

On yesterday’s episode, Suffocate was ready to go and rob the bank when Puleng just rockup out of nowhere to save him, she showed him a newspaper where there was an article about the event for the jewellery collection ,this jewellery store will be owed by Nandi, what khulekani did was to go borrowed the most expensive piece that they will use as a grand opening of their event .

That piece is very expensive, its costs a lot of money ,they will loose it all as Suffocate’s plan or eyes is int that piece and nothing change that. Not only will this make Khulekani angry but it will also mean that he will now be in debt and it will be difficult for him to pay those people where he borrowed the gold from.suffocalte will enjoy every moment of it all when he finally gets his revenge back .