Robot Boii comes through for a young girl on her matric dance day

She looks beautiful

Robot Boii has taken it to social media to share a story of a young girl who had a low self-esteem. The mother of the 17 year old wrote to Robot Boii that her daughter is being bullied, and does not have a matric dance date. Her mother asked Robot Boii to be her daughter’s date on this day.




Robot Boii came through on her matric dance day and she was very excited. Robot Boii supported her with a dress, shoes and a hairstyle. She looked very beautiful. I have to say that she was the most beautiful girl on her matric dance today.

Robot Boii boosted her confidence and to study hard. People like Robot Boii are changing the world for the better, this has warmed many people’s hearts. Big up to Robot Boii for what she did to this young girl, it’s beautiful.