God made death to be by him only . All the Creatures of earth , from human beings to Animals , all of us , it is upon God whether our things and our lives here on earth should continue or not . Good though , imagine if such big desicions were upon the kings and the queens of this world , we were gonna face a big trouble as people were only Going to do Favour’s to their relatives and family members here on earth and nothing other than that .
Covid has made so many of us to start normalizing death . The number of people who lose their lives from time to time has since then escalated here on earth and we are always losing so many people to do many different things here on earth including Covid. Despite all these things , we cannot at any point normalize death , we cannot at any way get used to death. It has never happened.
Death is so much painful , even the death of your worst enemy , you will never normalize it at any point , it doesn’t at any way or any point happen like that . It has never happened . That’s how life has become here on earth and how things are in the meantime and currently .
When we lose celebraties , the pain become worse . The pain of losing people we always see on Televisions cannot be compared with anything , the pain of losing your Favour it’s people , it can’t at all be measured with anything at all. That’s how life is here on earth all the times .
A top Actor who used to Act on 7 de laan has passed on currently here on earth , as things stands in the meantime . That’s how life is currently and to almost everyone