Rhythm City actress says, she feels like a wasted goods and no man will want her any more

Petronella is currently playing the character of Pearl Gennaro on Rhythm City. She have been on



Scandal, Hustle, Mzansi Love, Sokhulu & Partners and 90 Plein Street. She was born in Zimbabwe in 1990 and at the age of 5, her parents moved to South Africa and they settled in Hillbrow-Ysoville-Berea area. As she was grown-up m, she fell in love with acting and she started acting in Text you copy will automatically show her primary school. In 2001, her father who was living in Bristol in England, took her and she grew up in Bristol. She continued performing to a point that she went for two years of studying acting SWADA where she received her BTECH. She won other awards as well.

She came back to South Africa where she continued doing what she love, acting. She landed roles on television. She had her first child when she was 18 and now her son is 12. The relationship with the father of her first child ended up in tears. When hooked up with a Xhosa man from the Eastern Cape, she was all over the moon and he got her pregnant with second child. She thought that they were going to be happy ever after but it also ended up in tears.

“Here’s the thing; To sum up it within a year? Okay. Nearly a year ago Camagu’s dad and I split up. Was that ever the plan? Of course not. So here I am mother to two beautiful boys both with different fathers. Who would ever want to be with me again? I’m used goods? I must have been the problem right? My Lobola price will probably cost pocket change,”she expressed her disappointment

To be beautiful is not enough. For a female, who thinks that she will trap a man because she is beautiful, is lying to herself. Relationship takes two. Petronella is just really upset. I hope, she might find love again and she must have a room for disappointment and the fact that she want to have more children. She might have more children with different fathers. That is the way it is. Relationships, these days don’t last, people have became selfish.