Rest In Peace PK Dweba : Social media shattered after his alleged untimely passing in this manner

DJ PK Dweba

Death always leaves people shattered and heartbroken . Such was the feeling when the Musa Khawula , a news breaker of entertainment , fashion , and Pop Culture updates used his platform to share the tragic blow that had been suffered by Eastern Cape’s community. He announced the alleged tragic passing of DJ PK Dweba last night .

DJ PK Dweba

In accordance with Musa Khawula , DJ PK Dweba who was the owner of ” So What Club” in Mthatha was reportedly shot dead at his home gate on Saturday night. The motive for the alleged fatal shooting of DJ PK was not shared by Musa .




The alleged passing of DJ PK left social media users shattered as his death was so sudden . Nobody anticipated that such a young life would be lost on Saturday night .It is sad that some lives are lost under such circumstances in South Africa . Killings of people keeps happening in the country ,making it hard for people to feel secure and safe . Reports are given on a regular basis in South Africa of people who get killed for no reasons. Police need to do their job of ensuring that such crimes get avoided . A young life has been lost , and the killers are still out on the streets roaming freely like nothing happened .

It is so sad that DJ PK lost his life at such a young age because of selfish and individuals who made a decision of cutting his life short . May the police work harder to find the alleged killers before they kill someone else .