Rest In Peace: Mark Pilgrim dies with his family by his side at the age of 53

A well-known Radio Presenter in form of Xolisa Zondi has shared some very disturbing information regarding the sad passing of Mark.

He was sick for a very long period, Xolisa Zondi thought he was going to beat the illness but unfortunately, he sadly lost his life.




He didn’t turn a blind eye in life regarding serious issues, he was the voice of the voiceless. Radio will never be the same without his parents.

He fought against corrupt political leaders as well with every tweet, he used his voice as well as social media platforms in the right manner.

He left a huge void in our lives, especially those who like listening to the radio, he knew how to connect with the audience may his beautiful soul rest in peace.

I will update you when it comes to his funeral details, right now the story is still I don’t have all the details.