Rest In Peace || Manzini Has Sadly Passed Away

Messages of condolences are pouring in for Rorisang after she lost her friend, she even went as far as stating that what a terrible way to end the year.

Shaun Manzini was not only a teacher & healer he was also a member of the African National Congress.




A lot of people are still in disbelief that he’s no longer alive, but before she informed the Masses Rorisang received permission from his mother of Shaun.

It’s still a developing story, I don’t have all of the details regarding the course of death. But as a parent, it’s not nice laying your child to rest.

He was a kind loving peace, the sad passing of Shaun Manzini broke a lot of hearts. I will share with you his funeral details when the time is right. It feels like a dream, may his soul rest in peace. What a sad way to enter 2023.