Meet Amo Chidi, also known as Reneilwe from the Rhythm City television series that airs on ETv Monday through Friday at 7:00 p.m. Since she departed the serial opera, the former actress’s life has been in doubt.
Amogelang is a well-liked South African actress who was born on 5 February 1990. The fact that she was also a dancer was unknown. She portrayed a character where she was a musician and Kop’s daughter on the soap opera Rhythm City. On the show, she sang with a lot of emotion, just like she does in real life.
She participated in significant school musical theatre plays while she was a high school student. She appears to have always loved music, but acting seems to have been her career of choice. She participated in the SADTA Hip Hop Championship after four years of ballet training.
What is she doing right now?
She joined Rhythm City in 2012 and left during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Since then, she has only been visible on social media. She can be seen holding a camera in several photos, which is exactly what she is doing right now.
She posted a depressing caption on her departure from the soap opera on her social media after she left the show. She expressed her gratitude to the show’s talented cast and crew for the fun she had working on it.