Remember Khethiwe from Generation? beautiful pictures in real life

Famous for portraying Khethiwe Buthelezi in the television series Generations, Bawinile Winnie Ntshaba is a well-known South African actress. Having been born on the first of September in 1975, she will be 46 years old by 2021. He was born in the town of Eshowe, in the Kwa-Zulu Natal region of South Africa, as Bawinile. Ntshaba attributes her desire to further her studies to the influence of her older sister. She studied acting at the KwaZulu Natal University of Natal in KwaZulu Natal.






A poor area of Cape Town, South Africa, is the home of Winnie Ntshaba, who grew up there. The cooking oil in her body lotion and orange pap she ate when she was younger were childhood favorites. As a child, she had to deal with a number of difficulties. As an alternative, she holds her mother in high regard due to the fact that she is never far away from them at any one time. She was usually on top of things when it came to feeding them. Winnie Ntshaba has taken her life and education seriously despite being from a poor village.

She’d made a commitment to herself before she even started her degree program: she wouldn’t date until she finished it. It was Ntshaba’s older sister who inspired her to continue her education after seeing how hard her villagemates worked to get their degrees. Because life doesn’t always follow a plan, she ended up marrying a photojournalist called Thabo Modise in 2007. They started dating in her third year of college. It ended up being a short-lived union as the pair divorced in 2014. They were parents to just one child. An epiphany came to Winnie when she lost her mother in November of 2017. She had several epiphanies about how life is truly unpredictable and why we should live exclusively for our well-being and happiness.

Take a look at some candid photos of Winnie taken in her daily life.