Recent pictures of late Sfiso Ncwane’s baby mama Nonku Williams

Nonku Williams, the founder of Ashes to Beauty Winery, is the most well-known businesswoman in the area. Williams, who is a mother of three children, is also a builder. Nothile is the youngest of three children born to the late S’fiso Ncwane and Sorisha Ncwane, a businesswoman married to billionaire Vivian Reddy.




Nonku Williams is a woman who understands how to put her personality together; most people were unaware of her until the Durban housewife, when it was revealed that she has a daughter with the late Sfiso Ncwane, who is now in her teen years. Since the wedding, he has been married to Ayanda Ncwane. On her social media accounts, Nonku Williams has gained a lot of attention and gained a lot of popularity.

Social media has allowed us to get to know our favorite celebrities without having to meet them in person. Nonku Williams, for example, enjoys interacting with her fans by posting images of her busy life and eating supper with friends and family.