Reason why Fani left Skerm Saam revealed,

The exit of the character of Fanie Maseremula left Skeem Saam viewers devastated, although he wasn’t theist loved character on the show he’s character really played a huge role and seeing him exit was very heartbreaking. The character of Fanie was someone who was a go getter, despite the risks and the danger he was willing to risk it all son that he can achieve whatever he had his mind on. Mostly Fanie survived on reaping people off and using them to get what he wants which is why he ended up swimming with the big sharks who finally put his life to an end.





It seems his greediness led him to his early grave he messed with the wrong person who would have watch him get away with everything, Fanie’s hunger for the shares at Roviwa got him in the bad side of Lehasa Maphosa and he had to get him out of his way. Although the police now know that Fani’s death was not natural it seems Lehass is getting away with it after stealing the evidence that Fani has in his laptop against him.

Although Fani has left the show it seems he really loved his role and he is thankful for all the years he spent on the show. His fans were eager to know why he left the show and one of his lots fans asked him why he left Skeem Saam because his character made the show more interesting, responding yo the question the actor said that he left the show because he went to look for greener pastures. It seems he finally decided to leave the show so that he can spread his wings on the entertainment industry and go for somewhere where the grass is more greener. According to the actor being in one show for many years is not what he had planned for his acting career as he wants to join other shows and showcase his talent, that way he will be able to grow into the industry.
