Real story behind Ndikhokele remix has mzansi in tears

Molemo Maarohanye is a South African hip hop artist, convicted of culpable homicide for the death of four children in December 2012. He is the son of Jackie Maarohanye. Jub Jub currently hosts the reality show, Uyajola 9/9.

after the accident on 2010 in which jub jub and a friend were involved that had 4 children killed and 2 brain damaged jub jub spent a quite some time in prison .

after coming out of prison the star has been making it bigger than he used to .In order to truly apologise and show mzansi how sorry he was about the incident jub jub made a remix of his hit sing ndikhokele featuringmany more major artist in the remix.

when interviewed jub jub said that he did not even imagine that a day would come where he gets to speak to the country about the horrible incident because he didn’t have the guts to fave the country .

Jub hub announced that all the money the remix song will make will be donated to the families of the victims .South Africa was really moved by his action despite he was forgiven by their families he still went this far to apologise for his actions well done Molemo.