Real Housewives of Johannesburg star dies. May her soul rest in peace

Breast cancer is still the leading cancer-killer in women worldwide. It took the life of Real Housewives of Johannesburg star, Naledi Willers.

Naledi Willers was a star on Real Housewives of Johannesburg. She was also a lawyer, a chef and owner of the New Star Studios. Her last appearance or post on Instagram was in July this year. Since then she hasn’t been updating her status due to her intense treatment.

The star died after losing the battle to breast cancer. The reality TV star, model and actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2019.




While the world buckled down and braced for the impact of Covid-19, Naledi started chemotherapy. She spoke out on her social media about how the lockdown helped shelter her from the public eye at the time.

Naledi was proactive after “bumping into” her tumour and started treatment immediately after. She was diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer.

Naledi Willers (born in Botswana) was a South African reality TV star, actress, and a former beauty pageant queen. She was one of the housemates featured on The Real Housewives of Johannesburg.

Every episode on the Real Housewives of Johannesburg comes with fresh drama as it displays the lifestyle of women and their wealth. Their luxurious way of life, coupled with their exotics travels, has kept most lovers of the show glued to their screen.

Naledi was married to Quinton Masina, a famous South African radio DJ, but things between the two did not work out.

Some forms of breast cancer cause no symptoms in the initial stages, so it is crucial to attend regular screenings. As with other forms of cancer, a person’s outlook is more favourable when a doctor detects the disease early. Breast cancer can develop in males and females, but due to differences in breast tissue, the disease is much less common in males.

There is no “natural” cure for breast cancer. Medical treatments are necessary to remove, shrink, or slow the growth of tumours. That said, you may use certain complementary therapies and lifestyle changes alongside standard medical treatments to help: control symptoms of breast cancer.

To summarize, surgical treatment options include the following: Removal of cancer in the breast: Lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, generally followed by radiation therapy if the cancer is invasive. Mastectomy may also be recommended, with or without immediate reconstruction.