Kefiloe Mdutyulwa, daughter of renowned actress Rami Chuene, has come forward with new details about her troubled marriage to 5FM radio host Smash Afrika. In November of last year, Mdutyulwa made headlines after alleging that her husband had been cheating on her with singer and songwriter Asanda “Msaki” Mvana. The allegations were based on a picture she found of Smash and Msaki kissing.
Msaki denied being the reason for the failed marriage, stating that she was just caught up in a story of a relationship ending and had no involvement in it. Despite Msaki’s claims, the infidelity allegations created a media frenzy.
Now, Mdutyulwa has revealed another side to the story. She claims that she also suffered abuse in her marriage to Smash Afrika. The decision to leave the marriage was a difficult one for Mdutyulwa, who was faced with the risk of harm to herself or her child. She also expressed her worries about disobeying God by ending the marriage.
Smash Afrika was not available for comment on these new allegations and the situation remains shrouded in uncertainty. Regardless of the outcome, Mdutyulwa’s story highlights the importance of speaking out about abuse in relationships and the challenges that come with leaving a marriage.