Rami Chuene took to her social media to share how Covid-19 affected her and so many people around her.

Rami Chuene took to her social media to share how Covid-19 affected her and so many people around her.

2020 was a year to be remembered as many lost their loved ones, their jobs and livelihood due to the pandemic.

The media personality admitted that the pandemic has left her and many around her broken.

Rami made it know through her Twitter that Covid took so much away from her.

They smile, laugh and live through pains but at the end, it still broke people.

Rami tweeted: “Truth be told, Covid-19 took so much away from us. We smile, laugh and live through the pain just so we can go on living but the damn thing broke us. F*ck, Covid-19 broke us.”

See tweet below: