Rami Chuene left social media amazed when driving her Uncle’s old Cressida

Rami Chuene is a South African actress, singer,author and presenter who is famously known for her role as Thato on e.tv’s Scandal.

The talented actress posted her pictures while driving an old model of Cressida car and left social media amazed.In her caption she mentioned that the car was bought when she was 14 years old.Then 33 years after it still looks good.The most amazing part is the mileage of the car that is almost 465082,but the car still looks good and beautiful.

She posted the pictures and captioned “Tšhipi ka gare ga tšhipi! This is my uncle’s Toyota Cressida 2.4 GLE. I was probably 13yrs old when he bought it. These pics were taken on New Year’s day, the car is smooth and drives perfectly. Guys, check the mileage- a good 33yrs later! #chipikechipi #chipikechipiokasechipolle”.

What are your thoughts about Rami Chuene driving an her Uncles old Cressida car, do you envy her? Please comment here,like the article and remember to share with readers.