Radio Giant Grant Shakoane Dies A big loss to South African radio

Post main imageEarlier this morning, renowned South African broadcaster Tim Modise tweeted that he’d just learnt from Wilson Nkosi about the passing of legendary broadcaster the ‘Gentle Giant’ Grant Shakoane.

“I’ve just learned from Wilson Nkosi that ‘the Gentle Giant’ Grant Shakoane has passed on. Like many of us and his friends, I’m saddened by the news. I extend my sympathies to Ausi Albertina & family. I wish you strength. Modimo a le fodise.”
Our friend & big brother, the radio ‘gentle giant’ Grant Shakoane is in serious condition at one of the hospitals in Joburg. His wife informs me that he’s been in this battle for a while. Join me in praying for his recovery. We love you.”

Heartbroken by the news, sports broadcaster Robert Marawa sent his thoughts and prayers to the Shakoane family. “Thoughts and prayers to Ausi Albertina and her loving Family!! Such a deeply sad and emotional time for one who was so deeply loved and appreciated by many!!”In March 2020, he was a guest on the King David Studio and opened up about how he got into radio. “I was working for an advertising agency and what we did was record adverts and take them to the SABC and they would broadcast these things in different languages. I was in translations when we started.” He continued.

“I’d always frequent at the SABC, got used to them and as I came in and out, I heard there was going to be a radio station in English and there were going to be auditions. I caught it by ear and started lobbying the manager.” He eventually got a call to audition and the rest is history.

Ntate Shakoane will be greatly missed and his contribution to South African radio will never be forgotten.