‘ R1 Million property? ‘ This Is Why The SANDF Have To Be Deployed In Every Province

Crime is one of the social ills faced everyday by residents across many South African cities and provinces. Astonishingly, even in the rural areas people still commit criminal activities, but so much crime takes place in urban areas where there is a lot of movement of the people.



Sometimes criminals commit crimes hoping to get away with it. Thanks to the law enforcements for incarcerating a large number of them and bringing them to book. The police are working tirelessly to ensure there’s safety in all the South African communities daily. They make sure that criminals don’t get away with crime, but the judiciaries fail them sometimes.

During the intelligence operation the SAPS conducted 3 days ago, a hijacked truck with a cargo worth R1 million was recovered. Two African males were arrested and detained for being in possession of stolen property and hijacked vehicle. However, when criminals hijack company vehicles they put someone’s job on the line.

Availability of guns, corruption and inadequate border control contribute to high vehicle hijackings in South Africa. The government officials have to come up with plans to tackle the three issues. At times the law enforcements seem like failures especially when criminals get released weeks after their arrests.

Catching and punishing criminals effectively can reduce crimes motivated by greed, but it is of limited help for crimes of passion where someone may not care if they are caught. The only way I can see of completely eliminating crime (other than eliminating either all people or all laws) would be eliminating all freedom. If people have no control over their lives, they can’t commit crime.

The best we can hope to achieve is a fuller understanding of its causes and consequences, a reduction in criminal opportunities, and a proportionate response to lawbreakers. Often when citizens feel besieged by crime, however imperfectly measured, the State flexes its muscles by resorting to an increased use of imprisonment. The state only fails citizens of the country when it releases ruthless criminals with bails.