Sophie’s journey to fame began when she portrayed Queen Moroka in Generations. However, her acting career extends beyond that, including roles in shows like Yizo Yizo and Soul City. She was initially married to Themba Ndaba, the father of her children, and later tied the knot with another man.
Themba gained fame through the TV show The Queen, where he played the role of Brutus. Their marriage lasted nearly a decade before coming to an end
Sophie then found love with Bishop Keith Harrington, but their marriage faced challenges just months after the wedding. Reports suggested they split due to concerns for her safety after Bishop accused her of infidelity, leading to mutual protection orders. Bishop, who had remarried, later acknowledged that their previous marriage had its issues but emphasized the presence of dishonesty.After leaving Generations, Sophie returned to the spotlight and wed businessman Max Lichaba. Their relationship initially appeared promising, especially as Sophie struggled with a health condition affecting her weight. However, they ultimately parted ways amid allegations of abuse.
Following her split from Max, Sophie was rumored to be in a relationship with a pastor from Bushiri’s Church for several months, hinting at her renewed happiness. This development may also suggest a potential future marriage, given their shared Christian faith.