Professor Mamokgethi defends herself against social media standards

Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng had a come and defend the video clip she posted from a hiking day that was very cold but successful. Many people came to attack or drag her for that video clip, and she had to make people understand the liberation they were discussing on social media. The statement she made had other people not understanding the message she was trying to convey and having to look for a reference to understand. It has been seen how she has been living her life before she was let go from the university. What she went through at the educational institution made her more well known to a lot of people.




She even posted a video clip when she visited the podcast and chill with MacG. But she was aware that people would come at her for it because that show may not be suitable for people who are at that level of her profession. Even Lulu Menziwa had to defend and explain more than once about her fashion dress code at work because some people were not happy about it. She could not wear such fashion while going to work, and she is a teacher at the primary level. There is no specific dress code for teachers, and that has been a huge topic in South Africa recently. Doctors were also on the line about it, and Dr. Qwabe was someone who was dragged for his dress code.

Life has changed, and that is something that people should understand. If you want to know about Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, you should watch and listen to her interviews. Maybe people would get to understand who she is and what she stands for in her life. But some people are not against her, and what is important is to own your lifestyle like she does. That is what MacG has been advising people about a lot, and that is where you would get peace in your life.