Producers of an Award-Winning Show Accused of Underpaying Its Cast

The popular drama series Diepcity which won 7 awards at Royalty Soapie awards late last year. It is faced with a big challenge. This comes after it was accused of underpaying its cast members for the popular show. Cast members are not happy with the producers of the show. They strongly believe that they deserve more that what they are getting currently.

Certain high profile actors are claiming that they are paid a R350 to R400. This is way below average salary been paid currently. An average top actor in SA will normally earn an estimated amount between R25 000 to R60 00 per month. According to source 2 Lead actors including 3 insiders had a meeting with production company Black Brain Pictures, Mandla “Mandla n” Ngcongwane to discus the issue.

One of the crew member has complained that many actors will often complain about money for transportation to work. At times they can’t afford to buy food for themselves. They are normally afraid to challenge the producer because they are still new in the industry. Some of the actors who challenged Mandla regarding the salary they got fired as they could not see eye to eye with him.





According to a source Themba Sibanyoni is one of the most talented actors. He won awards previously. He has proven himself over the years. He knows his worth, when he proposed that the R350 per day be revised. It was as if he killed someone the confrontation almost turned into a big fight between him and Mandla.

Mandla N has denied the allegation leveled against him. Mandla said the main actors they are not getting R350 per day. He said they only pay R350 for extras not the main actors. However he did indicate that they also work with other agencies. He did mention that at times agencies could rob actors. He did mention that 70% of actors are new to the industry, they can’t expect the same salary as top actors like Sonia and Dawn King.