Prince Misuzulu’s lavish lifestyle and free spending raises eyebrows

As you are aware, I am not one to engage in public spats or undermine the integrity of our family members, our elders, and the Zulu nation at large,” Prince Buzabazi’s letter says.

“However, I have become aware of certain views you expressed to the media that undermine the integrity of the royal house, its customs and demeanour. I therefore find it necessary to address you in this fashion.”




Prince Misuzulu has denounced the legitimacy of Prince Mbonisi kaBhekuzulu and Prince Simakade kaZwelithini and questioned Princess Thembi kaBhekuzulu’s right to be involved in family matters by virtue of her being married.

Speaking to the Sunday Times this week, Prince Buzabazi said he had written the letter earlier this month as access to Prince Misuzulu had become difficult.

“I would have loved to see him and talk to him instead of writing a letter, but access to him is controlled by other people.”

He said keeping quiet was no longer an option as he felt that Prince Simakade, Prince Mbonisi and Princess Thembi had been disrespected publicly by Prince Misuzulu.

Prince Simakade is King Zwelithini’s firstborn son. However, he was born outside the king’s six marriages. Prince Buzabazi said the family recognised Prince Simakade as their brother and when Prince Misuzulu had suggested otherwise, he was hurt. “He too is the child of the king. None of these things were said by our father while he was alive. The way he [Prince Misuzulu] referred to members of our family as outsiders that do not even deserve to be announced in public is, at minimum, insulting to the legacy of our father.”

In the letter, Prince Buzabazi also accuses Prince Misuzulu of publicising his extravagant lifestyle, saying this is not consistent with the upbringing he received as a prince.

“Your position, as a public figure, should be sensitive to the socioeconomic climate of our country and the nation. Our people, the Zulu nation, should not be witnessing the public spectacle of an obscene lifestyle while they are faced with social ills such as high unemployment.

“Your behaviour is certainly bringing the Royal House into disrepute. I therefore urge you to give careful thought to your ways and remember where you come from so you do not fall in a trap of an insatiable appetite for fame and fortune at any cost,” he said.

Prince Misuzulu held his birthday celebrations at the five-star Beverly Hills Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, in September. He recently showed off his BMW 7-Series car, worth more than R2m, at his Machobeni Royal Palace in Pongola.