Priddy gushes over his wife Bontle.

Priddy Ugly is a South African media personality, and he is also a rapper who is loved by a lot of people. He is better for his rap music and his youtube channel that he and his wife Bontle Modiselle Moloi did back in 2020 during the covid lockdown days.

He married his lover whose name is Bontle and they later had a very cute baby whose name is Lerato Bonita Afrika Moloi and she also has her own Instagram page that is managed by her parents.



They always post her pictures as well on their social media pages as well and she is the cutest. Priddy Ugly is also an ambassoder for a lot of leading brands such as well Kappa and cars as well.

He posted a picture of him and his wife and a fan commented and asked if it wasn’t hard getting a wife taller than him.

See below the comment and what he said.

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