Pretty Seakamela, who is portrayed by Lerato Marabe on SABC 1’s Skeem Saam, saw Kgosi get strangled in the episode that aired on October 21. Pretty Seakamela is defying her family for this man.
Cedric Fourie’s character, Lehasa, was visibly irritated by Kgosi’s lack of urgency when it came to finding him. Lehasa had been looking for him. It is expected that Kgosi will provide assistance to Lehasa with his legal case.
After Pretty came to the conclusion that she requires some space for herself, Lehasa prevented her from going on the grounds that he required her assistance. As was to be predicted, Pretty makes the decision to stay with the love of her life.
The long-awaited appearance of Kgosi causes Lehasa to completely lose it. “Kgosi, where have you been and what exactly are you up to these days?” As soon as Kgosi walks through the door, Lehasa immediately asks him a question.
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Kgosi is told by the genius of the illegal enterprise that “of all the times that you’ve pulled out, this isn’t the ideal time.”
Kgosi seizes the chance to come clean to his boss about the fact that he is unable to testify on his behalf anymore because there is nothing in it for him. When Lehasa starts giggling, she sets off a chain reaction of chaotic events.
“Here’s the problem, though: I’ve given this a lot of consideration. I’m sorry, but I can’t vouch for you. There is absolutely nothing in it for me, boss. I do not possess anything. Kgosi tries to make his point to Lehasa by saying, “I don’t even have a proper place.”
At this time, the murderer loses control of himself and tells an obviously terrified Kgosi that he is a partner in the crime, saying “If I go down, you go down with me.”
You lied to the police and switched the laptops, both of which were illegal. Have you forgotten?” an irritated Lehasa asks. “Have you forgotten?”
Kgosi starts begging his boss for forgiveness and understanding, in the hopes that his superior will see things from his perspective.
“If you don’t give me a job at Level, I won’t be able to do this.”
Lehasa makes the decision to remind Kgosi of the person for whom he is famous.
“You have no idea the things I’m capable of doing. You seem to have forgotten who it is that you are negotiating with. I’ll remind you,” While his arm is around Kgosi’s neck, Pretty’s boyfriend tells him something. At this moment, Kgosi’s face has turned bright crimson, and he is pleading with everyone to save his life.
“Boss, I beg you not to put an end to my life! Don’t murder me. Please call me Maphosa! Don’t kill me” He says.
“I will murder you. You are going to stick with Fanie, did you hear me?
Pretty was present for the entire conversation, which left her in a state of shock. Lehasa has no idea that the woman he has loved more than anything in the world is aware of this aspect of him.