Pretty Seakamela reveal her darkest side after hearing disappointing words from Lehasa

Like mother like daughter, Pretty and her aunties visited Lehasa’s apartment. After the family found out that she is carrying Lehasa’s child and that she is only 3months pregnant. Arriving at his apartment they found Lehasa with his girlfriend and uncle.



Seeing that the family is with Pretty the man acted as though he is clueless about what they have come to tell him. He denied them access until his uncle realized that there’s good news to be share. The Seakamela exposed the true and Lehasa decided trying to protect his new relationship.

What made Pretty stand up and speak her mind was the fact that he denied her infront of the family. Claiming that he is better that Pretty who is from the rurals of Turfloop. Such words from a man who impregnated her broke her heart and exposed her true colors. Pretty stood up and told him what he needed to hear.

Lehasa got told what he was never expecting from sweet Pretty. A young lady he never thought would tell her such madness in front of his uncle.