Pretty is all over the moon Khwezikazi finally leaves

Lehasa has been trying hard to handle the women in his life, and it has not been easy. Khwezi has been making sure she causes as much trouble as possible for Pretty and Lehasa. She has also been avoiding the issue of her moving out, always coming up with excuses.

Khwezi has always believed that she will get Lehasa back since she is pregnant with his child, but Lehasa chose to stay with Pretty. With the court case finally over, we hope we get to see more of Prehasa romance.

It seems Pretty will finally get what she wants when Khwezi moves out next week. Pretty has been asking Lehasa when Khwezi will be moving out, and many of us thought that Lehasa might also not want Khwezi to move. Fortunately for Pretty, on Wednesday 16 November, Khwezi will finally be moving out.