Pretty dumps Lehasa as he reunites with Nothile

Pretty has been holding on to the toxic relationship with her boyfriend Lehasa for long now.

This month of November another element will be added to the current love triangle.

At this moment Pretty is receiving more pain than love in the relationship. With Khwezi now taking nearly the centre stage of the the relationship.





Next week he will receive a message from Nothile expressing how much she loves him, this will cause more confusion into his life.

TVSA Tuesday 8 November teasers read, “Lehasa receives a shocking text from an ex expressing the magnitude of her love for him.”

This will give Khwezi serious shivers as she didn’t expect such from Nothile and there’s no way she can tame her because she’s way better than her and can’t be easily intimidated like Pretty.

“Khwezikazi worries about her “husband’s” ex worming her way back into his life,” reads teasers of 10 November.

After the verdict is out and Lehasa is declared innocent, he will struggle to rekindle his relationship with Pretty and on the other side Pretty will struggle to deal with Lehasa’s dark side and will dump him.