Pretty Chose Lehasa Over Her Family On #SkeemSaam

South Africa is sleeping on MmaNtuli, she’s always nailing it to the core. After today’s episode of SkeemSaam mzansi has voted her. Followers are surprised that MaNtuli didn’t faint this time after Pretty choose Lehasa over her family.





Indeed the apple does not fall far from the tree. Pretty is doing exactly what MaNtuli did for Seakamela. Petty want Mantuli to be admitted again. Pretty has makes a choice that shocks her family. Pretty just chose a .a over her family on her Mother’s face.

#SkeemSaam fans and viewers are crucifying MaNtulu just because she made a mistake. Fans and viewers are convinced that MaNtuli never cared of her daughters, she always loved Zamo. Mantuli will judge her for her choice, she’s the last person to be judgemental. Kwaito was singing in big rock all crazy and no one kicked him out.

Mantuli is not seeing Pretty’s vision, she might as well forget ka that double storey. One thing about Mantuli she is very judgemental as if she didn’t have a child with her bet friend’s husband. MaNtuli is passing judgment on Pretty because she loves Lehasa, but she slept with her best friend’s husband and had a child with him.

What Pretty Seakamelas family don’t see is there’s a big mutuals feelings between Lehasa and Pretty and the two felt it this time. Pretty’s fans have a feeling that Lease is going to flip on her again because the fiancée is pregnant. I hope when Pretty comes back home next week, MaNtuli will welcome her back.