Prayers pours in for Manaka Ranaka.

Manaka Ranaka can’t wait to become a mother at the age of 41.Manaka’s due date is around the corner she is expected to deliver her baby anytime soon.She is expected not to appear on our tv’s soon as they are giving her a maternity leave.

Manaka Ranaka and her co-workers recently celebrated 20 years in acting industry.Manaka is enjoying her life to the fullest while she waits for her bundle of joy.Manaka and soon to be the father of her child are enjoying each other’s company this days they always take selfies together.

Recently Manaka posted that she is not doing well “Meal for the I’ll,motigo was ting prepared by my dad.This is about the only thing I can eat right now.Not feeling well at all,”said Manaka.

Her fans are concerned about her.They cant wait to see Manaka’s child.I hope Manaka will come back soon from maternity because Generation the legacy won’t be the same without her.