Poppy went to a game lodge and had a great time. Look at her beautiful pictures

Poppy Mukansi went to a game lodge and had the most beautiful day being around animals. Having a good time does not have to be about going to entertainment venues and consuming alcoholic beverages. A game lodge is a beautiful space where you can enjoy yourself and you don’t have to worry about a huge crowd.

She took beautiful pictures the entire time from different parts of the destination. A proud lady from South Africa who is into fashion, a mother, an electrical engineer, and a project manager who graduated from UJ and UTC respectively. She is an independent woman and she is able to afford her lifestyle. That is the beautiful part of being independent.

She is having a tremendous lifestyle that is not based on having to depend on someone. It is the bad part where you will get to see someone being angry for not getting money from their partners. The reason children are being advised to go to school and become independent is to be able to afford their lifestyle.






Poppy now has beautiful memories that she has created and they should be good memories that her child whom would love to see. You should have a good history so that your child is going to look at your lifestyle and want to enjoy it as you did. But there are many people who do not post about their lifestyle on social media.

When you see someone living a good lifestyle, it is beautiful and attractive and you would want to live better or like them. But you don’t have to go above your means trying to impress or live a lifestyle you can’t afford. It has ended very badly for a lot of people, and when you have power, you should not misuse the funds in your bank account because your lifestyle will become a history of the past.