Polygamist Musa on quest to empower, educate

Finance manager and polygamist Musa Mseleku is determined to engage little and casual organizations.


His most recent book, named How I Made My Initial Million – And How You Can Likewise Make it happen, was distributed in 2019.

“I understood that the vast majority who have little and casual organizations are battling on the grounds that they need direction. However, what is more difficult is that these organizations are not even perceived, yet they rake in tons of cash. Along these lines, this book gives direction to such individuals,” he said.

He shared that the book was applicable to money managers.

“It gives viable and priceless business guidance and ideas, shown to be a triumphant recipe that I have applied to my own organizations.”

Musa said that it was motivated by his hindered foundation.

“I’ve had my reasonable portion of mishaps, particularly in business, yet not entirely set in stone. Disappointment has never been a choice or shaped piece of my jargon. In this book I share business challenges that I confronted and survived. The peruser will likewise find my enthusiasm and what drove me to succeed.”

He added that he additionally needed to screen and guide young fellows so they could perceive potential open doors.

“I believe that they should have prescience and mental fortitude to venture out. My experience has instructed me that the sky is the limit, the same length as you a decent technique.”

His subsequent book, Life and Polygamy, was delivered in 2020.

“I sold north of 100 duplicates I’m glad that the book is as yet getting along nicely. It investigates polygamous relationships, the significance and elements behind them. I composed it on the grounds that polygamous relationships are frequently misjudged, so I needed to teach individuals. I talk about my encounters as well as the difficulties and benefits of polygamy.”

Musa said men frequently had a test when they needed to take another spouse.

“Throughout the course of recent years, I presented my family to the general population so individuals can realize what isithembu is. I accept I’ve affected numerous families and changed the generalization. I’m likewise glad that through Uthando Nes’thembu and this book, a solid discussion has been opened. Today, more ladies will be in polygamous relationships and men are taking numerous spouses.”