Polygamist Musa Mseleku rub his show viewers the way wrong

, the new season of Uthando Nes’ thembu has started on a bad foot. Due to the recent outrage over the first episode of the show that saw the polygamist Musa Mseleku upsetting a lot of the viewers.

After the recent episode, the show’s viewers were up and arms about some of the things they didn’t like and how the polygamist is treating his wives, MaCele, MaYeni, MaNgwabe and MaKhumalo.


The viewers claimed that Musa Mseleku secretly no longer wants to be married to his third wife MaNgwabe, the pair has had their fair share of trials and tribulations which has also contributed to rumours that the couple is headed for divorce.

“I feel like Mseleku wants MaNgwabe to leave already but he just doesn’t want it to come from him”. One tweep wrote.

MaNgwabe is alleged to be considering leaving her husband, on the new episode of the show she opened up about her desire to leave the polygamist over marrying a fifth wife.

Most of the wives seem to have come on board with the decision. However, MaNgwabe has drawn a line in the sand stating that she will leave should he forge on with his decision to marry a woman currently referred to as “number five”.