Poloko from Scandal’s weight loss journey left fans in shock, See before and after pictures

South African actress Upile uThixo Bongco who plays the character Poloko, Mamba’s estranged daughter on Scandal is a young talented actress who is working her way to the to. Her role as Poloko has really did a lot for get acting career, her character is about a young Lady who grew up without the love of her father’s and decided to revenge on her father when she was older. It seems Poloko took everything her late mother said to her about her father and wants she found Mamba’s whereabouts she was ready to take revenge on him for all the pain he caused herate mother.




However, it seems that Poloko never thought that she will end up finding the love of a family she never had after meeting her siblings Duma and Aya. All her hatred disappeared as her main goal was to built a strong relationship with her two siblings, the young actress is really feisty and she plays one if the best roles on etv Scandal.

As much as Poloko has been facing a lot challenges in her character on the show, she also has been through a lot in real life considering her weight loss. Upile really achieved her goal in her weight loss journey which she started back in 2019, she used to be a full figured woman and now she has an amazing body thanks to her hard work and dedication in her journey to lose weight she started her weight. Her weight loss journey has been going on for more than two years now and since then she never looked back, even the results are visible.

Since the actress started the weight loss journey she has been maintaining her weight and eating health, she gas been dedicated to her journey and doesn’t want to go back to her old self. Losing weight really boosted her confidence in many ways and it has given her the high self-esteem she needed to take on the world. Although she has lost a lot of weight uPhile hasn’t reached the goal she set for herself as she continues on sustaining a health life, after all she us only 23-years-old she us teaching herself to live a health life style.