“Please don’t get a divorce”: Fans warn Musa & wife as they celebrates 6 months in their marriage

Dr Musa Mthombeni has been married to the love of his life for almost 6 months now , if it were up to him, he would have been married for over decades by now the way he is so excited about his relationship with his wife Liesl. Musa’s reactions on social media have changed completely and this is because of the love and affectionate gets from his partner. Not everyone is lucky like him so yea, he should cherish every moment of his marriage at anytime he thinks it feels rights to.




Mrs Mothombeni took on to her Instagram page to share that it’s been 6 months of being together with his her husband, she also expressed how she loves experiencing life with him. Many people revert back to the celebrity that recently got divorced and gave the couple some advice . Fans advised them to not get divorce as they are now tired of seeing celebrities always divorcing left, right and centre .

They were saying this after the recent divorce announcement from Minnie Dlamini Jones who broke the news to the South Africans leaving everyone heart broken. Minnie’s divorce was not the only divorce that had everyone diva-stated , Somizi’ divorce also took a whole lot of a knockoff to fans which we can not obviously blame them as they are being sold this kind of happiness by them and only for them to get divorced in the end . Fans believes that Musa’s relationship will be off different.