pictures of Pretty Seakamela that got everyone talking about

South African rising star Lerato Marabe is one of the most beautiful and long serving actresses in the SABC1 drama series Skeem sam. She has been in the show since season 1.

The South african actress was born in the Gauteng side, Vosloorus. She grew up in that area with her brother and mother who is a teacher. She went to Boksburg high school, that is where she obtained her matric certificate.

After obtaining her matric certificate, the 21-year old started attending at AFDA Cape Town. She studied editing. She was studying while working at the local drama series Skeem sam.

Many people know Lerato as Pretty Seakamela, which is the character that she is currently playing at the SABC1 drama series. She is not one of the best in the show, as she sometimes make the wrong decisions, however, her family are always there to rescue her out. Check out the pictures of Lerato Marabe: