pictures of Pearl Modiadie and her new alleged bf

Award-winning radio and television broadcaster Pearl Modiadie from South Africa recently took a trip to the islands with her new beau. They have been observed living the good life on an unidentified island. Since then, Modiadie has taken her time to give her online followers and fans a peek at the romantic getaway.



After posting images from her romantic holiday with her new partner, Pearl Modiadie ignited a fiery controversy. Many people speculated that the radio and television star was reunited with her baby’s father after sharing some photos. Others countered that she is dating another white man, whose identity she has kept a close secret, rather than being reunited with her baby daddy.

Recently, the mother of one posted some steamy pictures from her holiday to her Instagram profile, leaving many people drooling. She also revealed a bit about the new guy she is seeing.

But she later on revealed her new man and it is not her baby daddy, not much is known about the guy but she seems to be happy.