pictures from MaMkhize’s trip to the United States of America see all the pictures

Shauwn Mkhize blessed the United States of America with her presence recently. She went to New York to support her son Andile Mpisane on his Legendz of the Streetz performance. Of course, she was dressed to kill in the most luxurious brands, and she shared all that content with her fans.







Rubbing shoulders with the finest

One of the best photos Shauwn took was meeting up with our favorite American stars. Usually, people go to these places and see big stars from afar. If they interact with international celebrities, it’s generally with the upcoming stars. MaMkhize is not just anyone. She met the stars and took decent pictures with them.

Backstage meetups

Backstage, she met the world-famous entertainment entrepreneur who owns nightclubs, promotes big events, and manages Slab MMG artists. She also met with the rappers Nelly, Jeezy, and 2 Chainz. Her best backstage meet-up was with the rapper 2 Chainz; they met; briefly, they did the peace sign, and both smiled for the camera.

Rick Ross with MaMkhize

MaMkhize hung around the most significant Hip Hop boss you’ve seen thus far, Rick Ross. She and the Big Boss met inside the club, and they had a mini photoshoot. Andile also shared a video of himself near the international rapper. Both Rick and Shauwn were chilled with an underlying boss demeanor in their element.

Shauwn Mkhize at Time Square

If you visit New York, Times Square is one of the places you have to see. Many of our local stars who’ve been in the city took pictures there; stars like Zozibini Tunzi, Black Coffee, and Bonang Matheba. Shauwn took a photo since Andile had a massive billboard in Times Square. She wore black and orange clothes to match her son’s billboard.

MaMkhize exploring New York City