(Pictures) Connie ferguson ‘s gorgeous sister

Connie Ferguson is a private person and she rarely shares much about her family. However, she is known to have a younger sister named Atosie Pilane who looks like her. The two are so close that some will remember Atosie giving a speech at the funeral of her late brother-in-law Shona Ferguson, where she shared that she and him were friends and that’s how he got to know her sister. This means that Atosie is not only close to Connie but her family as a whole.








Atosie and Connie also have a lot in common, the two are both in the media space and they are also fitness enthusiasts. Their workout sessions have stolen the hearts of many people and they are constantly seen at the gym together. The sisters also work together, as Atosie is a producer at Ferguson Films. Atosie also made an appearance on Kings of Joburg during the first season.