Pics! Clement Maosa Celebrates His Son’s First Birthday With A Cool Photo Shoot

Pics! Clement Maosa Celebrates His Son’s First Birthday With A Cool Photo Shoot. They grow up fast, don’t they! Just the other day, Clement Maosa was celebrating the birth of his son, now he is already a year old. The doting dad took to Instagram to celebrate this memorable milestone.

Bokang looked all sorts of cool for his first birthday’s photo shoot. The toddler was stylish as he rocked blue and white outfits, which complimented the theme of the occasion. At just a year old, Bokang already knows how to work the camera. A model in the making?

Bokang is the first child of Clement and Kemo Manyoga. Even before his birth, one could tell he is adored like the king he is. His parents had the most beautiful stat studded baby shower in his honor.

Check out some of the pictures from his beautiful birthday shoot.