PHOTOS: Uzalo actors who are sangoma in real life

Singomas are no longer looked down upon or rejected just due to their age. There’s a common misconception that only the elderly may get sangoma calls, and that children are too young to hear one. They were just kids at the time, and many of them felt guilty for picking up the phone and answering the call.

For the reason that the term “sangomas” is so loaded with negative connotations. There was a time when young people were embarrassed to pursue the Calling for fear of ridicule from their classmates. Due in large part to the examples set by celebrities and other public personalities who have happily accepted their own sangoma responsibilities, young people in the twenty-first century are less likely to reject their callings and more likely to be delighted to be sangomas, even at a young age.






Many people don’t understand the appeal of the sangoma lifestyle to young people, even though it’s being adopted by a growing number of common people and notable figures.

Sangomas are an ubiquitous sight in South Africa’s music and theater scenes. In today’s South Africa, being identified as a sangoma no longer carries the same level of social stigma it formerly did. There has been a recent influx of celebrity endorsements urging ordinary people to answer the call and embrace their roots.

The following is a list of Sangomas who have made appearances in Uzalo films.

A member of the Sangoma tribe, Gabisele’s birth name means Baby cele.

Cele’s soap opera fans will recognize her by her stage name, Gabisile Mdletshe. Cele, a famous South African star, is just one person who has embraced their Sangoma heritage.

Thandeka, Dawn King, II.