PHOTOS: Mzansi Celebrities who are Sangomas

Historically, young people were hesitant and even terrified to enter the sangoma profession, but this attitude has changed. The belief that children aren’t responsible enough to take part in the sangoma summoning ceremony is widespread. Many of the children who answered the phone felt embarrassed for doing so. The insulting connotations of the term “sangomas” have been widely disseminated. They worried that if they answered the Call, their peers would judge them harshly. It’s not unusual for twentysomethings to answer the call to become sangomas nowadays.





Why so many young men and women are deciding to become sangomas is something many people don’t get.

This is Thulo Boity.

Increasingly prominent members of South Africa’s cultural elite are embracing sangoma values (single mother). Modern Sangoma youth in South Africa no longer face the prejudice and discrimination that their ancestors did. Celebrities can serve as role models for the public by showing how vital it is to embrace one’s uniqueness and express it freely.

2. Lvovo

Some members of the younger generation, maybe because to a lack of exposure to or comprehension of sangoma calling, held the mistaken belief that only the old were capable of doing so. It’s a relief that this is no longer valid. Some children choose not to follow in their parents’ dangerous witch doctor footsteps. For some youngsters, being called “Sangomas” is an embarrassing form of address. It is for this reason that Sangomas are categorized as non-Christians.

In South Africa, Sangomas have invited two skeemSaam performers and actresses to perform.

A SkemSaam native named Eunice,

Eunice, formerly known as Oratile Maitisa, has consented to assist the Sangoma after they made a plea for her assistance. The young Sangoma lady said that with a lot of self-respect.

4 After that, I’ll fill you in on Celia Kunutu.

In complete, her name is Celia Kunutu. Her given name is Shoki Mmola, and she is another member of the Sangoma tribe who has accepted the invitation. Being a renowned person didn’t stop her from answering the phone.